Curriculum for the Gifted, Learning Disabled and Almost Everyone In Between

I taught in the Gifted Education Department for several years. We developed challenging, engaging curriculum that allowed the students to create meaningful ways to share the results of their research on topics. 

Additionally, for several years I worked with struggling learners and the Learning Disabled. In hind sight, I feel that the struggling learners, the Learning Disabled and everyone in between would benefit from:challenging, engaging curriculum that allowed the students to create meaningful ways to share the results of their research on topics. Although this is my opinion, I feel it is noteworthy!

Click on Links to Other Blogs I Felt Led to Create:

Books Created by Children Below

The children who created these books wanted any money made from the sale of their books to be donated to the less fortunate. I explained things on this site are free, but I could include a few direct links to charities. Any charity would work, but it's not obligatory!

The Pirate and the Penguin Link to Book

The Pirate and the Penguin Link to Book
Written and Illustrated by BAC-6 yrs old

The Hamster That Is Too Cool for School Link to Book

The Hamster That Is Too Cool for School Link to Book
Written and Illustrated by BJC-7 1/2 years old

Super Plants versus Zombies book link

Super Plants versus Zombies book link
Written and Illustrated by JDR, 6 years old (Inspired by the Books With Similar Names)