Be Their Cheerleader!!!

I have found the most dramatic improvements in student success, when I saw myself as their cheer leader! In this, I sought to find every incremental improvement I saw, that they ignored. I shared times when I saw them rereading phrases that didn't make sense, telling them that they are reading like good readers do. I explained that good readers read so that things look right, sound right, and make sense and if it doesn't, they reread it.

I shared times where they were willing to erase a math problem or incorrect sentence structure to rewrite it correctly. I explained how impressed I was, because there was a time they just stopped and would get upset, but that they were now editing their work. I also explain that everyone makes mistakes, sometimes that's how we learn to do it correctly.

I shared times where they were less frustrated, when they used to get irate over things that didn't go the way they had wanted them to. All these things we share with them, help them start to see themselves as more capable learners and people. It's really worth becoming a child's cheer leader, because you can see it start to change their self-esteem and willingness to strive to do better!

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